Many evidence-based practice (EBP) protocols are used in the care of critical care patients; however, the speed of translation of these protocols into practice can be long, potentially affecting the quality of that care. Although research has shown that specific nurse credentials improve patients’ outcomes, it is not known how these credentials are associated with the adoption of EBP.

Gigli and colleagues conducted a survey to examine the relationship between nurses’ education level and certification status and their psychosocial beliefs, knowledge of EBP, and perceived value in EBP. They found

The findings support the value of nurses with specialty credentialing. The authors recommend that institutions seeking adoption of EBP support nurse credentialing as a means to improve intensive care.

See Article, pp e1–e12

Sepsis remains a substantial health care challenge, with recent costs surpassing $23 million annually. Although the most common type of infection leading to sepsis is pneumonia, preventive...

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